Front Row Reviews

Nunsense, a Fun-Filled Revival

Kristine Ann Lowry, Lauren Sutton-Beattie, Jane Harrington, Tina Smith, Nicole Thordsen

“Nunsense” has played in theatres around the world for thirty-nine years. Although somewhat dated, the play seems to find a way to entertain and make us laugh again and again at some of the same bits and puns.

Playwright Dan Goggin and Novato Theater Company’s talented cast awakens and reinvents the five Little Sisters of Hoboken and releases their concealed skills to our total enjoyment. The story centers on these five nuns who reveal that they crave the entertainment spotlight suppressed by the habits they don.

The Little Sisters of Hoboken put on a fundraising variety show to pay for the burial of five of their fellow nuns, killed accidentally by tainted soup made by the convent chef Sister Julia, Child of God. The event takes place in a high school gymnasium with basketball hoop and tinsel streamers with a “Grease” sign at the center. The “Nunsense” stage, designed by Tom O’Brien, and lighting direction by Marilyn Izdebski, sets a playful mood.

Each character skillfully performs group and solo songs, dance routines, and comedy skits revealing hidden talents of each Sister they portray. The cast supports a fine-tuned comic delivery with the skilled direction of Lisa Morse, fluid movements choreographed by Marilyn Izdebski. The musical direction of Nick Brown rocks with with 60’s tunes and vaudeville scores. Nick Brown also plays Father Nick off stage.

The Sisters mingle with the audience beforehand. Their first number, “Veni Creator Spiritus” is an eloquent, angelic Latin prayer to remind us of their devotion to their calling. The audience is the fund-raising public.  They engage the audience with quizzes, offering small tokens for correct answers while cajoling throughout. Great fun.

As Reverend Mother, Jane Harrington autocratic character is shattered when she gets high from innocently sniffing a drug bottle. She delivers a stellar performance of the song “Turn Up the Spotlight.”

Jane Harrington

Magnanimous Kristine Ann Lowry as Sister Mary Hubert exudes warmth and charisma. Sister Hubert stands between the younger novitiates and the sometimes uppity Reverend Mother.  

Nicole Thordsen’s Sister Mary Amnesia ( who lost her memory when a crucifix fell on her head) brightens the stage in her performance of “So You Want to Be a Nun” and “I Could Have Gone to Nashville.” She soon carries the show forward with a clever hand puppet routine featuring a delightfully snarky puppet.

Lauren Sutton-Beattie gracefully embodies Sister Mary Leo, the ballet-loving nun, charms the crowd with her attempted elegant dance maneuvers.

Tina Smith’s, Sister Robert Anne, streetwise charm and wise cracks add an extra layer of diversity to the group. Her up-beat solo that ends the show “I just want to be a star” sums up the hidden goal of all of the Sisters, and many unseen others.

Tina Smith, Lauren Sutton-Beattie, Jane Harrington, Tina Smith, Nicole Thordsen

How do they ever escape the problem of frozen nuns and the Health Inspector? And the Fund Raiser?

Nunsense is a fast-paced, lighthearted musical with plenty of laughs. It will certainly lighten your spirits. Don’t miss your chance to catch the next “Nunsense Fundraiser” at the Novato Theater Company—just remember to listen to the nuns!

“Nunsense” by Dan Goggin. Directed by Lisa Morse, Choreographed by Marilyn Izdebski, and Music Direction by Nick Brown at NTC – Novato Theater Company Info: through October 6, 2024.

Cast: Lauren Sutton-Beattie, Jane Harrington, Kristine Ann Lowry, Tina Smith, Nicole Thordsen

Photos by Jere Torkelsen